Gentilli Memorial Award
The Geographical Association of Western Australia is honoured to remember and recognise the contribution and support of the late Dr Joseph Gentilli to both our Association and to geographical education in WA through:
“The Joseph Gentilli Memorial Award for Excellence in Geographical Education”
The GAWA award for Excellence in Geographical Education carries a prize of $2000 to the successful teacher/educator.
GAWA invites nominations from colleges/schools for the ‘Joseph Gentilli Memorial Geography Award’. The award is presented to a GAWA member who has made an outstanding contribution to Geographical Education.
Gentilli Award 2023
Congratulations to the 2023 recipients of the Gentilli Memorial Geography Award, Jon Wyllie and Sara Tyrell.

Jon Wyllie

Sara Tyrrell
Gentilli Award 2022
Congratulations to the 2022 recipient of the Gentilli Memorial Geography Award, Anthony Ritchie.

Anthony Ritchie
Gentilli Award 2021
Congratulations to the 2021 recipient of the Gentilli Memorial Geography Award, Kalo Bell.

Kalo Bell
Gentilli Award 2020
Congratulations to the 2020 recipient of the Gentilli Memorial Geography Award, David Cromie.

David Cromie
Gentilli Award 2019
Congratulations to the 2019 recipient of the Gentilli Memorial Geography Award, Sue Martin.

Sue Martin